That new growth or lump in your butt is a cause for concern if it is hard to feel, affects your movements, or is accompanied by pain or a bloody discharge. If you are experiencing an unknown lump, wart, or abscess, schedule an appointment with award-winning and licensed gastroenterologists at Manhattan Gastroenterology to get the best medical care and advice regarding treatment, prevention, and care. The specialists diagnose and treat your unidentified lumps or anal warts most successfully using technological advancements and the latest research. They determine if the lumps in your rectal area are benign growths or a warning sign of some underlying condition and recommend the best solutions for treating them effectively.

An unknown lump in your butt can be pretty scary, especially when you cannot see what it is and identify what may be causing it. In most cases, such lumps or bumps can be treated by a simple clinical procedure, use of certain solutions, or prescribed medication. However, if these lumps are big or painful, surgery is the best option to remove them before they lead to critical complications.
The anus is the opening at the lower part of the digestive tract. It is the place where stool exits the body. The anus is connected to the rectum, where the stool is stored before it comes out. The anus usually consists of soft tissues. Due to infections or medical conditions, these tissues can become hard, and in specific cases, even turn severe. When you touch these tissues, they feel like a hard lump in the area.
Knowing what can cause a lump in the butt, what symptoms it can produce, and what you can do about it can help you understand what is wrong and seek the best solution for your problem.
What is May Be Causing a Lump in the Butt?
Lumps, warts, masses, or papules in the anus are not uncommon, and there are several reasons why they appear. Hemorrhoids are one of the most common causes, but they are not critical and may not require any treatment if they are not big or painful. However, if your lumps or warts are resulting from anal abscesses or cancer, it is a serious matter that should be properly investigated before it turns dangerous.
Treatment of these lumps depends on the underlying causes. Usually, lumps and warts go away with prescribed ointments or oral medication, but if they continue to grow in size or become painful, they require surgery.
Common Causes of Anal Lumps
A lump in or around your anus can be very uncomfortable, as well as terrifying, especially when you do not know what is causing it and how it can be treated. There could be several things causing the lump. They include:
- Anal abscess
- Anal warts
- Anal tags
- Anal fistulas
- Molluscum contagiosum
Anal Abscesses
An anal abscess occurs when a cavity in the anus develops an infection and gets filled with pus. The abscess can be uncomfortable, especially when you try to sit. You may get an abscess if you have had an anal fissure, a tear in the anal canal, a sexually transmitted infection, or blocked anal glands.
Anal Tags
Anal tags are small flaps or excess tissues around the skin that also feel like bumps. They result from friction and are mostly painless and non-cancerous, but they look unpleasant and can cause irritation or itching. Anal skin tags are usually either the color of your skin or darker.
If they are not painful, cause any irritation, or do not affect your movement, anal tags do not need any treatment. However, they can be taken out in a simple clinical procedure if you are not happy with the way they look and want to get rid of them.
Anal Warts
Anal warts are often caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). The warts are uncomfortable as they develop around and inside the anus or on the genital area. They may appear smaller at the beginning, about the size of a pinhead, but they can grow large and cover the entire anal area with time. Anal warts can turn painful. Symptoms that indicate the presence of anal warts include:
- Itching
- Bleeding
- Mucus discharge
- Feeling a lump in the area
Do not take anal warts lightly, as they are not only painful but also contagious. Call your doctor for accurate diagnosis and treatment to prevent them from spreading further.
Anal Fistulas
An anal fistula occurs when bacteria and fecal matter invade a gland in the anal region, then move into the surrounding tissue. Most anal fistulas are surrounded by pus. Signs of anal fistulas include:
- Pain and swelling around the anal area
- Fever
- Feeling tired
Anal fistulas can cause a lot of discomforts, and if left untreated, they may cause serious complications. Surgery is usually required to remove them. Also known as fistulotomy, the surgery converts the tunnel area between the skin and muscle into a groove that allows the anal tract to heal.
Molluscum Contagiosum
It is a skin infection that results from the molluscum contagiosum virus. Lesions can appear anywhere on the body where the skin has come into contact with the virus.
This virus can spread to the anus through sexual contact, by touching your anus after touching a lesion somewhere else on your body, or by sharing sheets or towels that are already infected. The lumps are generally small and range from the size of a pinhead to a pencil eraser and are pink, white, or flesh-colored. They can turn itchy and swollen, which makes them annoying.
Lumps in the butt can result from several conditions. Diabetes, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, recurring constipation or diarrhea, or a sexually transmitted disease increase the risk for unknown lumps, abscesses, or warts.
What Does That Lump in the Butt Feel Like?
The main symptoms that occur with anal lumps include:
- Pain
- Discomfort with bowel movement
- Bleeding
- Anal itching
These symptoms may not be resulting from an anal lump result but coming from some other underlying condition. Most lumps are not a cause for concern but any growths or a hardened anal area should be screened by your doctor.
When to Seek Medical Help?
You should see your doctor if you notice a growth or lump in your butt. This lump or growth will most likely be benign, but you should not take it lightly, especially if you experience the following signs:
- Spreading or worsening pain
- Bleeding that does not stop
- Anal bleeding or pain, with a fever
- Changes in bowel movements
These symptoms could be a sign of infection or some underlying health issue that needs medical attention. They should be analyzed and treated before they do any lasting damage.
Diagnosing Anal Lumps
The doctors recommend medications and treatment that decrease the lump and eliminate the underlying cause. They will ask some questions about your symptoms and also perform a physical exam by putting their gloved finger inside to feel for any abnormalities left by hemorrhoids, molluscum contagiosum, or anal warts.
In some cases, the doctor may use an anoscope, a lighted tube to view your anus and rectum closely and clearly, to recommend the best treatment.
The presence of unknown lumps in or near your butt is not only annoying, but it can result in discomfort or even pain if you don’t get it checked by a specialist timely. Most anal lumps or bumps are non-cancerous and can be treated with over-the-counter medications and home remedies. However, bloody discharge, painful bowel movements, and inability to sit comfortably require medical attention and surgical removal. These lumps could be resulting from serious diseases, and failure to seek treatment can result in lasting complications.
Have your anal lumps checked by experienced and board-certified gastroenterologists at Manhattan Gastroenterology to reduce health risks? The top-rated physicians are experts in treating and preventing any type of lumps and diagnosing their underlying causes to ensure your long-term comfort and wellbeing.